Simple and logical content templates

a worksheet next to a mug full of popcorn

Are you in search of simple ways to plan and generate quality content? Here is a compilation of free templates and tools by Content Land. Start at the beginning and work your way through - these templates build on each other.

If you’d like some context before viewing, click the link in the description for a full walkthrough.

Features and benefits

Features and benefits are the core pillars of your marketing messaging. Take a deep dive into product specs, the value they provide to consumers, and how they tie into consumer pain points.

Content calendar

Without a formal content strategy, you can still put together a thoughtful content plan. This content calendar will help you quickly get on track.

Content strategy

The PDF and spreadsheet templates below will help you structure your content strategy. This process is based on your persona pain points - although you may choose to organize by keywords, topic pillars, or another method instead.

Marketing collateral

This template will help you plan marketing collateral in a way that you can rapidly generate. Your collateral should answer “who can we help,” “what problems do we solve,” and “what solutions are available.”

SEO roadmap

This SEO roadmap audit spreadsheet and presentation template gives you a simple way to walk through annual planning.

Additional resources

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