Strategically Leverage ChatGPT for Content Marketing

Are you worried about ChatGPT taking your content job? It’s a valid concern. For those who believe in generating quick content, adding some keywords, and pumping out volume; ChatGPT will automate the entire operation.

Will ChatGPT help you reach article quantity? Yes. Will it actually rank and convert readers? Probably not. Therefore, heavily relying on AI content to reach business goals isn’t a fruitful plan.

Here’s a full breakdown of how ChatGPT works, why you shouldn't use it to write content for you, and some other ways you can use AI in your favor. By the end of this blog, you’ll be able to show your employer how ChatGPT can help you (but not replace you).

How ChatGPT works

Similar to Google, ChatGPT uses AI to search and analyze existing sources of information to compile responses. It’s perfect for equations, basic code, planning vacations, and any task that follows a simple set of rules.

This is how it works for article generation: ChatGPT will simply scan around the web for existing content and summarize into a blog post for you. It can hit word counts, find facts, and incorporate keywords of your choice; but it will always repeat existing information.

Copycat content can harm your brand

Whether or not your content was generated by AI, unoriginality hinders content from its full potential. 

First of all, Google strives to serve a variety of helpful content on page one. When writing content for SEO, originality is a primary factor. Taking a new stance, citing facts from your own research, and quoting in-house specialists are keys to achieving page one rankings. 

Therefore, if your content simply summarizes the viewpoints of other web content, you lose SEO opportunity. You could drive people to the page through social media, email, or ads; but you’re missing out on evergreen organic traffic. 

Secondly, copycat content tends to come across as obvious and weaken your brand authority. Well-researched readers will probably bounce. 

AI tools that help you write (but don’t write for you)

This doesn’t mean that using AI for assistance is a bad idea. While AI should not determine the structure and main points of your content, it can help you along the way!

Here are some examples of AI that enhances the quality and “rankability” of your web pages:

  • This tool helps you find keywords to target, determines needed word count, and provides LSI keywords to incorporate throughout your text. Achieve a green score on your content and feel confident it’s ready to publish and rank.

  • Ahrefs: This SEO software can build your entire internal linking strategy. It finds pages that incorporate useful anchor text, shows where you can find it in the text, and recommends which content to link it to.

  • ChatGPT: Let’s not completely count out ChatGPT! If you know how to use the bot correctly, it can help you build elements of a content piece.

How to successfully use ChatGPT for content production

Your content job goes far beyond writing articles - you are a planner, researcher, and strategist. Leverage ChatGPT to help you with other parts of your job:

  • Content planning and topic inspo

  • Content research 

  • Interview questions

  • Promotion

  • Proofreading

By leaning on AI to quicken these tasks, you’re helping people rather than replacing them. Generate quality content at a faster rate, improve your publishing frequency, and create more opportunities to rank.

5 ways to break the news to your employer

If your employer is adamant on replacing writers with a bot, it’s a red flag that they don’t value content quality or understand the complexity behind it.

To safely get ahead of an uncomfortable situation, here are some discussion points:

  • “While I don’t think ChatGPT can replace the voice of our in-house experts, I think I can blend interviewing SMEs with ChatGPT to improve our content operation.” 

  • “I’ve been testing using ChatGPT to write articles, but I’m disappointed with the output. I’m going to test new ways of using it to help me be more efficient.”

  • “With a lot of research and experimentation, ChatGPT still can’t produce articles on par with what we’ve been publishing. However, I think it can help us with short-form content tasks.”

Translation: you shouldn’t replace me with ChatGPT, but I can use it to boost efficiency.

Grow your content career

Learning to work with AI tools is one way to improve your content career. By mastering ChatGPT, learning SEO techniques, and improving your portfolio, you’re set up for a bright future in Content Marketing.

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